Work With Me

My Coaching Services
The exact things we work on together in coaching are completely personalised to you, because you are not the same as anyone else – your needs, your circumstances, your red-lines (because there are always some things you are just not willing to change!), your strengths, your difficulties, your beliefs, your idea of success.
Most commonly, we work together over a period of four to six months, meeting every three weeks, for 90 minutes.
We begin by clarifying and defining in some detail what your idea of achieving career and work life success actually looks like. We explore what matters, what motivates you, what leaves you feeling fulfilled and what has the opposite effect.
Then, we consider how what you want is different to your current situation, and what you want to retain about how things are working now. We distill things down so you’re able to identify all the things you want to be able to do or make happen that you currently can’t, and are clear about all the things that are in the way of you simply clicking your fingers and making it happen (because if it was that easy, you’d already have done it)…
…and then we get to work, developing strategies, learning how to make changes and helping you overcome any beliefs, mental blocks, habits or behaviours that are unhelpfully contributing to the way things are – and I’ll help you apply what you discover and learn to both work and life.
I can’t tell you that “this is what I will teach you to do” – because if dealing with the challenges you’re facing were as simple as that I’d just write a blog post, you’d read it and change your life overnight. It’s different for everyone, but typically, your coaching will include working on one or more of these areas, always working at a very personalised level:
- Identifying what success looks like, feels like, will be, for you.
- Developing strategies that give you increased focus and improve your ability to manage distractions, prioritise and choose what to do and what not to do
- Improving your time management, organisational and productivity skills – always in a way that is neurodiversity friendly
- Learning to set and confidently manage healthy boundaries between work and home life
- Finding ways of working with the energy and focus you have, when you have it, so you are working at your best and are able to manage the energy fluctuations you experience
- Reducing workload by becoming more confident about delegating, asking for help or setting firmer boundaries that stop you taking on other people’s responsibilities
- Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and building self-belief, so you are less likely to add to your own workload in an effort to protect yourself from being “found out as not good enough”
- Learning how to switch off and give yourself permission to relax
- Learning techniques for managing and reducing stress
- Tackling individual sources of stress, to reduce their impact
- Overcoming your guilt, so you can give yourself permission to do things in different, more helpful ways
- Developing a healthy, helpful level of structure in your work and life, and strategies for maintaining this
- Feeling able to be more assertive in your communication and negotiation with others, so you don’t add things to your to do list simply out of fear of upsetting someone if you don’t
- Considering your career development or business direction, and how to manage that in line with the family life and work life balance you want.
Between each of our sessions you’ll be making small changes one by one, taking on specific challenges and trying out things for size to see how they feel on you. I might also set you some “homework” to extend or increase the rate of your success – but I’m always mindful that you are really busy, and our work is about reducing your workload, not adding more tasks to it!
You can also email me whenever you like during that period to get input, ideas and questions that will help you work out what to do in tricky situations, to share a win that’s made you feel great, or simply to release some pent up frustration or stress.
My clients are mostly professionals, senior leaders. business owners or up-and-coming executives in organisations of all sizes, from recent start-ups to large corporate organisations.
I’ve worked with people from a wide range of industries and sectors – from professionals in accounting, marketing, education, medicine and law, to business owners in construction, engineering, design and a multitude of service industries – at all kinds of stages of their business journey.
I work with people with all kinds of neurodivergent conditions – most commonly ADHD, but also those with dyslexia, dyspraxia or ASD, or any combination of these. And I don’t ask for a diagnosis – if you strongly suspect you may be neurodivergent and identify with the challenges that presents, I am here for you!
What all my clients have in common is that they are serious about their career or business ambitions, but are finding their workload and work life balance are feeling out of control. What they want is to be able to fit all the important things in, enjoy and achieve great things at work, but leave it behind at the end of the day (and end the day earlier than they currently do!) so they have more time, space and energy to enjoy their non-work life too.
As well as working one-to-one, I run regular coaching groups and workshops and I run bespoke workshops and coaching groups within organisations, where they are looking to support neurodivergent employees with their wellbeing, stress, managing heavy workload and achieving a better work life balance. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss any of these
Please get in touch with me to arrange a time for an informal initial introductory call, which we can do by phone, on Zoom or on Teams – your choice.
We’ll talk through your needs and why now feels like an important time to get coaching support, we’ll get to know each other a little and decide whether we’re a good fit to work together, and then talk through the nitty gritty like costs and session arrangements.
Because every coaching engagement is unique and is built based on a number of different factors, and because I work with individuals and organisations in different ways, we’ll have to have a conversation before I can give you a quote for your coaching. I work with organisations, directly with individuals and accept payment by Access to Work coaching.
If you’d like to find out a bit more about me, my coaching, my experience and why I decided to leave a successful corporate career to become a self-employed coach, you’ll find my story here.
Work-Life Balance Coaching
For you if you want to:
- Reduce stress
- Redefine your work-life balance to leave more time for yourself
- Ditch guilt
- Build resilience
- Achieve more, without burning out in the process
Neurodiversity Executive Coaching
For you if you want to:
- Develop new habits and strategies to make life & work easier
- Work more with your strengths and less with your weaknesses
- Reduce stress
For you if you want to:
- Overcome work-related pressure and stress
- Build resilience
- Manage stressful situations more positively
- Enjoy work more again
Confidence Coaching
For you if you want to:
- Overcome Imposter Syndrome
- Say no and manage work boundaries more easily
- Feel lighter & freer at work
- Reduce work-related stress