Career Success Coaching

Need some help to get your career out of that rut and moving forward with success again?
Are you feeling unsettled in your current role, feeling like something needs to change, but not sure what?
Could it be that you feel ready to move on, or up, after a long time working for the same company, but are anxious that your skills won’t transfer to a new organisation?
Perhaps you’re considering making a total change in direction, something that will see you bouncing out of bed in the morning again?
Maybe with some career success already achieved, you’re weighing up your future options, realising you’ve still got twenty or more years of work ahead of you and starting to feel you need a totally new challenge…or a different, less stressful pace of life
Are you being looked over for promotion, with a resulting hit to your confidence, and wondering what you need to improve or change so you’re ready to go and get the step up that you want?
Or perhaps this is the very start of your career journey, and with no clear plan for your future you’re feeling anxious about what decisions to make that will leave you happy and successful and take you in a direction you’ll feel excited and proud of?
If any of these are you, your head is probably feeling something like a ball of tangled wool, your thoughts going round and round in circles as you try to work out what will get you unstuck and back onto a successful career path that feels fulfilling, and exciting, again. You might be weighing up some of the following:
- Going for a promotion versus taking a sideways move that could gain you more experience
- Moving to a new organisation to get a new challenge
- Considering taking your skills and experience to start your own business
- Making a complete career change, doing something totally different
In my experience, if you’re feeling stuck about which direction to take, the starting point is often to work out what success actually means for you. But even when you know what success would look like, there are some common obstacles that leave your thoughts as tightly tangled as ever, no matter how hard you work at it. These are the things I hear my clients say to me most often of all:
“I feel trapped by my salary. I can’t afford to earn less, and that’s limiting the options open to me”
“I’m unhappy but I’m afraid to take the risk of losing the security I’ve currently got”
“What if it goes wrong? I’ll have given up a good job for nothing and I’ll never be able to forgive myself for that”
“I’ve been with my current company so long I don’t know if I could actually even do it anywhere else…I’m scared I’m not as good as people here think I am”
How I can help with career coaching
Whatever the reason you’re at a career crossroads, career coaching with me will help you work through your options and get you over the barriers that are leaving you stuck where you are, so you move forward onto a new, more fulfilling path to success. I can help you:
- Develop a career plan that matches your passions, aspirations and desire for success
- Work out “what next” if you’re feeling unsettled or unfulfilled
- Make a complete career change – one that works emotionally and practically
- Improve your effectiveness and performance at work so you achieve more success and are ready to go for the promotion or next step you want
- Achieve specific targets and goals
- Rebuild your career after a break
- Decide whether or not the time is right to go self-employed
- Reduce work related stress
- Improve your work-life balance