I’m a specialist neurodiversity and ADHD coach and I love working with people like you: leaders, business owners and executives who are ambitious and able, get fulfilment, satisfaction and enjoyment from achieving and succeeding at work….but right now are struggling. Not necessarily because you can’t do each of the things required of you, but because there’s too many things and you’re overwhelmed: Work things. More work things. Family things. Life admin. Demands from others. More work things. People sticking their oar in. More family things. More work things (did I mention that already?).
You’re so busy doing, you’ve no idea when you’re supposed to find time to actually lead. Or live.
And then, there is your neurodiversity. It’s hard enough to keep on top of everything without the overriding feel of dread that you have forgotten something; the chronic procrastination, its impact on your already over-busy schedule and the shame that you feel because of that; and the additional energy it takes you to navigate and do things that seem so simple to the colleagues around you.
I know, both from first hand experience, and the experiences of the many clients I’ve worked with, how easy it is to feel like you’re failing – that you’re obviously not good enough if, despite being intelligent and able, you can’t achieve the work success you’re ambitious for and feel in control of it, and the rest of your life, at the same time, in a way that leaves you with the time and headspace to be able to switch off and relax.
You know you’d be capable of achieving success in each part of your life and work separately, if that was the only thing you had to focus on….but it isn’t. Or if you could just work out some kind of system, any system, that would allow you to remember, organise and actually do all the things you’ve said you will do. You have work, you have home/family responsibilities, and you want time to relax and enjoy life for yourself too (is that too much to ask for?) and yet however much you want it, you just can’t seem to make it happen.
Instead, what you’re experiencing is:
- A workload that generally feels out of control – a never-ending to do list that you feel ashamed about not being able to get to the bottom of
- Priorities drifting because you can never get the combination of time, confidence and energy together at once to focus on them, spending most of your time fighting just to stay on top of things
- Guilt about the amount of time you spend working, when others (usually children or elderly parents) need you
- And guilt too about spending time with the children or to yourself, because you should really be working and getting on top of that to-do list
You might also be doubting yourself and your abilities, worried about who you are letting down, or who is finally going to discover you actually can’t do this.
You might be on the verge of being signed off work with stress. Or feeling tempted to make it all go away by handing in your resignation.
You may even be starting to feel you just don’t deserve to have and love it all and be feeling really fearful about what your options are looking ahead.
One thing’s for sure: You want something to change, it must change, but you have absolutely no idea how to change it.
The good news is, I do. And you have found me.
I’ve made this change myself, and as an ADHD coach I’ve helped hundreds of others make effective changes too: The change from overworked, overwhelmed, guilty, stressed and exhausted to organised, in control, calm, achieving and happy – at work and in life.
You CAN do this – how may not be obvious or easy (if it was you’d already have done it) but I promise, I will help you uncover and follow the route to a life where you have got your workload, those work pressures and your work life balance back in control, with time to enjoy your life again and no more fears about what will happen to your health, your relationships or your income if you don’t.
One question people sometimes struggle with when looking for help, is whether they will get the support they most need from an ADHD coach, a leadership/executive coach, a life coach, or even stress management training. Sometimes they are considering working with more than one of these types of coach.
When you work with me, you don’t have to choose, because you get a blend of all of them – an experienced executive coach, with specialist neurodiversity knowledge and training, that works across both work and life challenges. This allows you to move seamlessly between work and life as you explore your challenges, get to the root causes of your difficulties and make the changes that enable you to feel in control, achieve what matters to you at work, manage your family responsibilities and find yourself able to switch off and relax at home.
I believe this blended approach is crucial for you, because when when enjoying and being successful in your work is integral to your enjoyment and happiness in life, the boundaries between work and life are naturally blurred and interlinked in all kinds of ways. Because distraction, procrastination or needing to be more organised doesn’t just happen in one place or the other and can impact on each other. And because sometimes it’s most helpful to think broadly about something we find difficult in lots of situations and other times it’s more useful to hone-in on a particular situation itself, solve the problem and then look at how we can use what we’ve learned more broadly.
This allows us to focus on putting in place solutions that are highly personalised and practical for you, regardless of whether they are rooted in work, life, or somewhere in between. You can find out more about the kinds of things we might focus on when we work together on here.